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Cleaning Hygiene Today October 2015

FEATURE HYGIENE The Healthy Workplace Project is particularly effective when a rejuvenated cleaning regime is implemented at the same time. The specification should be re-examined to ensure that it is delivering the required results. A programme of deep cleans, which should be publicised to employees, can help to kick start the Healthy Workplace Project. Cleaning regimes should also have a seasonal programme with enhanced cleaning over the winter period, when people are prone to getting ill. Toilet handles will be sanitised more frequently, and emphasis will be given to specific areas, when sickness breaks out, to avoid further epidemics. Also consider introducing a change in desk etiquette. Ban eating at desks and encourage people to use the staff restaurant, or break-out areas to reduce germs at desks. Initiate a clear desk policy to ensure that the cleaning team can clean desks every night and maintain good hygiene. Introduce a desk etiquette for hot desking to ensure that people clean the desk, phone and keyboard after use. Lead from the top. The organisation’s leaders need to be seen to be taking the project HOW TO WASH YOUR HANDS 28 CLEANING HYGIENE TODAY OCTOBER 2015 seriously or it will fall flat. Encourage them to use the products and be seen to use them and talk about them. RESULTS As a result of a healthier, more hygienic lifestyle at work and at home, people feel better and they avoid minor illnesses such as the common cold and stomach bugs. Absenteeism is therefore reduced. Many people see the project as strong evidence that their employer values them and their health, which encourages people to be more loyal and motivated and engaged at work. The initiative aims to create a ripple effect with employees who are already healthy encouraging others to adopt a more hygienic lifestyle too. The good news is that FMs only need between 20-40 per cent of people in an office to change their habits to break the transmission chain and improve workplace hygiene. The Healthy Workplace Project is an ideal way to give your workplace a healthy kickstart into autumn and winter. Regular training in the importance of hand hygiene, to help to stop the spread of infections, is undertaken by all of G4S FM’s healthcare cleaning operatives. Kimberly- Clark Professional and G4S FM are working in partnership with clients in order to bring all the lessons learnt in hospital contracts, directly into commercial business. The best practice needs to be adopted by everyone in the wider community and while the bugs you pick up in the office probably won’t kill you, they can make you very unwell and can be avoided. FMs only need between 20-40 per cent of people in an office to change their habits to break the transmission chain” ÍÍ Before you start; roll up your sleeves, remove any rings containing stones and remove your wrist watch. ÍÍ Wet your hands under running warm water before you add the soap. Liquid soap is usually easier to use than solid soap – and just as effective. ÍÍ Put a small amount of soap in the palm of one hand. ÍÍ Rub your hands together palm to palm to spread the soap over your skin. ÍÍ Rub palm over the back of your other hand. Then do the same for the other hand. ÍÍ Either with your hands palm to palm or with one hand on top of the other, rub your hands together with your fingers interlaced to clean the space between your fingers. ÍÍ Clean the tips of your fingers by rubbing them in the cupped palm of your other hand. ÍÍ Hold your thumb with your other hand and rub the entire surface thoroughly. Repeat with your other thumb. ÍÍ Grasp one wrist with your other hand and rub the entire surface thoroughly. Repeat with your other wrist. ÍÍ Rub your hands palm to palm again. ÍÍ Rinse your hand thoroughly under running water to remove any traces of soap or bubbles. ÍÍ Dry your hands thoroughly using paper towels, or at home use a clean towel. Source: National Health Service

Cleaning Hygiene Today October 2015
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