CHTMAG.COM INFECTIONS FEATURE It is generally assumed that being as clean as physically possible is a good thing. But then again you often hear stories of microorganisms developing resistance to antibiotics, of children who are never exposed to germs not developing a great immune system. In this article CHT asks if there really is such a things as being too clean Before we go any further, maybe we should discuss the term “atopic allergy”. Atopy is a predisposition toward developing certain allergic reactions or hypersensitivities. In short experts had noticed that since 1950 the amount of allergies being reported amongst children had risen to unheard of levels. According to Heather Fraser’s book The Peanut Allergy Epidemic the number of children in the UK and the US with an allergy to peanuts went from 416,000 to 4,500,000 in the space of 12 years (1997-2009). Indeed claims that: “This increase was initially seen in countries such as the UK, Europe and USA, but can now be found in all countries undergoing industrial development. The pattern of allergy is also changing – initially, the increase was in asthma and allergic rhinitis (hay fever). However, recent studies have confirmed a significant increase in the incidence of food allergies, in particular amongst children. In the UK, it is estimated that up to 50 per cent of children are diagnosed with an allergic condition.” An allergy is when the body’s immune system reacts strangely to an actually harmless substance such as pollen, dust or nuts. Still according to one in five UK children have an allergic predisposition, however if your mother has an existing allergy the risk is doubled. We also know that children with regular contact with farm animals have a lower incidence of allergy. THE HYGIENE HYPOTHESIS But why is all of this happening? Some experts think it might be explained by something called the Hygiene hypothesis. The Hygiene hypothesis suggests that: “A lack of early childhood exposure to infectious agents, symbiotic microorganisms (such as the gut flora or probiotics) and parasites increases susceptibility to allergic diseases by suppressing the natural development of the immune system.” It arose in 1989 when David Strachan proposed that the virtual eradication of infection in children’s formative years might explain why the number of people suffering from asthma and hay fever exploded in the the second half of the 20th century. In short the hypothesis states that the revolution in cleanliness in the 19th century meant that young children were no longer exposed to cholera, typhoid or other similar diseases to anything like the degree they had been in the past. As such their immune systems didn’t develop fully. In 2003 Graham Rook proposed that young humans need to be exposed to the same diseases our evolutionary ancestors were in order to develop properly functioning immune systems. In short this meant any diseases that could profligate. Though we are primarily concerned with infections here it has also been suggested that auto-immune diseases (Lupus et al) and certain types of Leukemia might be attributed to the same phenomenon. Of course hygiene and cleanliness are far from the only factors in contracting these conditions, but Strachan’s hypothesis has certainly gained traction. STUDIES Since the original hypothesis was proposed a whole host of studies and theories developed the underlying idea and, depending where you look, you can find a plethora of opinion to support either side. The International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene (IFH) studied over 20 years’ of scientific data and concluded that the idea that people are living in “too clean” environments is patently absurd. Infections are still rampant in the UK, around 17 million people in the UK each year get a stomach bug. This corresponds to to about 19 million days off work or school. This is just stomach bugs. Colds, flu and a whole host of similar illnesses will take a similar toll. They concluded the problem wasn’t actually eradicating harmful microbes around 17 million people in the UK each year get a stomach bug. This corresponds to to about 19 million days off work or school.” that cause illness, but the friendly ones our immune systems evolved with back in the stone age. Some scientists suggest that rates of illness and allergic reactions have actually been increasing for centuries, if not millennia, it is only in the last five decades that we have started to notice. They say that far from new causes of allergies arising it might just be down to better diagnostic tools being developed. Since the early 1800s humanity has introduced clean drinking water, more hygienic food, sewer systems and modern medicine. This has had very beneficial, tangible effects. But, whilst helping they may also have caused unforeseen problems by altering our relationship with the “microbrial” world. JUNE 2016 23 CLEANING HYGIENE TODAY
Cleaning & Hygiene Today June 2016
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