14 Barbour

Cleaning Hygiene Today September 2016

FFiirrsstt AAiidd aatt WWoorrkk:: EEmmppllooyyeeee FFaaccttsshheeeett • Emergency treatment of employees (or anyone else) to preserve life and minimise the effects of injuries or illnesses until a medical practitioner or nurse can assist; or • treatment or minor injuries which would otherwise receive no treatment, or which do not require treatment by a medical practitioner or nurse. Did you know? • It is estimated that in 2014/15 there were 76,000 injuries at work causing more than seven days absence and in most of these, and in many more minor • 1981. • First Aid at Work, and Emergency First Aid at Work. • The minimum required provision, where there are low numbers of employees and small risks is an Appointed Person to take charge of a situation and the Identify the risk: else not managed by your employer? adequate? not be available in an emergency? Controlling the risk: employer may not require extra cover immediately employees taking materials for use at home or other materials or equipment when aspirin is needed for certain heart conditions (or other recording system used by your employer). Disclaimer These example Employee Factsheets are provided by Barbour for general guidance on matters of interest. In making these documents available to a general and diverse audience it is not possible to anticipate the requirements or the hazards of any subscriber’s business. Users are therefore advised to carefully evaluate the contents. Barbour does not accept any liability whatsoever for injury, damage or other losses which may arise from reliance on this information and the use of these documents. Copyright of these documents remains with Barbour and whilst subscribers are permitted to make use of them for their own purposes, permission is not granted for resale of the intellectual property to third parties. BARBOUR ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND SAFETY - www.barbour-ehs.com 2016 14 SEPTEMBER 2016 CLEANING HYGIENE TODAY

Cleaning Hygiene Today September 2016
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