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Wasps potentially stinging hospitality businesses in the pocket

Nearly half of Brits (48 per cent) are put off from drinking in outdoor venues such as beer gardens due to the presence of wasps, according to new research* from Rentokil Pest Control. The only thing that puts people off more is wet or cold weather (52 per cent). In fact, when it comes to enjoying time in a beer garden, Brits would rather put up with uncomfortable seating (39 per cent) or it being too loud (34 per cent) than having to deal with wasps.

As the nation prepares for what is predicted to be a warm bank holiday weekend in some areas of the UK, the research shows just how much of a buzzkill wasps are for Brits. A fifth (20 per cent) say that they would either leave or cut their visit short if there was just one single wasp present at an outdoor venue, an action that could potentially hit hospitality businesses in the pocket.

Although venues are generally not to blame for these pesky insects, the onus to deal with them often falls on their shoulders. Nearly one in six Brits (15 per cent) say they would request a new drink from the bar if a wasp ended up in their beverage, rising to almost three in 10 (29 per cent) 18-24 year olds. This same proportion of people within this age group (29 per cent) also say they would not return to an outdoor venue if they were stung by a bee or wasp while there.

It’s not just drinks that can be ruined by a wasp – and potentially cost venues money. Over a third (37 per cent) say they would throw away or stop eating their food if a wasp were to land on it.

Help could be at hand, however, as a new ‘buzz killer’ is set to stop outdoor drinkers having their own buzz killed by wasps. The EcoCatch Wasp trap from Rentokil Pest Control is a non-toxic and sustainable wasp catcher that is up to 26 per cent more effective at catching wasps than ‘traditional dome’ wasp pots. The trap is suitable for all sorts of places that Brits like to socialise and enjoy food and drinks outdoors, such as pubs, cafes and restaurants.

Colm Moore, Area Technical Manager at Rentokil Pest Control, commented: “It’s clear from this consumer survey that wasps are a nuisance to those socialising at outdoor hospitality venues. When these troublesome pests spoil a customer’s experience then it could cut short their visit and even stop them from returning, so establishments with outdoor areas would be wise to put wasp controls in place. 

“EcoCatch Wasp hides captured wasps discreetly out of sight in an inconspicuous container, and can be wall mounted, pole mounted or hung from fences or railings. As wasps rely heavily on their vision for navigation, foraging and communication, the EcoCatch Wasp trap has been specifically designed to maximise the wasps’ natural visual cues and to draw them away from premises.”


About Sarah OBeirne