Home / cleaning / Workwear experts reveal how often cleaners should clean and replace their workwear following study findings 

Workwear experts reveal how often cleaners should clean and replace their workwear following study findings 

With workwear playing a vital part in how workers conduct their role, personalised uniform, workwear and PPE suppliers, MyWorkwear as part of its latest study has delved into the cleanliness of uniforms worn by UK professionals to determine how often they clean and replace items alongside their general opinions of their workwear.

According to the study, almost three in 10 cleaners only replace their workwear once per year!

Considering the findings, MyWorkwear has also offered its expert guidance on how often workwear should be washed and replaced.

Below are the key statistics for cleaners:

When asked how often they clean items such as trousers over a third (36 per cent) state 2-3 times per week whilst 40 per cent wash them once per week. Looking at work t shirts, tops and tunics almost three in 10 (29 per cent) wash them once per week.

Delving further into items such as jackets or fleeces, almost two-fifths (37 per cent) wash them once per week however, eight per cent only wash them a few times per month and five per cent wash them every other month.

When asked how often they replace their workwear, almost three in 10 (29 per cent) stated once per year with 19 per cent stating twice per year. Over one in six (16 per cent) replace items once per month.

Analysing their opinions on their workwear, positively almost over half (58 per cent) are happy with their workwear but 11 per cent expressed that they’d like to change the items as they’re too tight fitting and 15 per cent said they’re too loose. Ten per cent also expressed that workwear for cleaners also doesn’t compliment different heights or body frames.

James Worthington, Co-Owner and Co-Managing Director at MyWorkwear provides his expert guidance to cleaners.

How often, ideally should different items of workwear be washed thoroughly and why?

“It’s dependent on the item and as per the instructions and hygiene requirements of individuals. It’s also dependent on the environment in which the items are being used, for example, industrial cleaners need higher grade protection in comparison to say an office cleaner working with less harsh chemicals. We also suggest that workers look to replace items once stains can no longer be washed out therefore impacting brand image.”

How often, ideally should workwear be replaced with new items and why?

“Sustainability should be kept in mind so higher quality items are suggested to ensure they don’t need to be replaced regularly from wear and tear.

“Also consider replacing items as and when new technology is created, for example, you could consider wicking finishes on polos as these can then be swapped out to increase longevity of under layers to be worn in hotter months. Items can also be replaced as and when new branding is required, for example, re-brands or staff moving to different departments with different personalisation required.”

Other factors cleaners should consider when it comes to their workwear upkeep

“Always stick to care instructions. Business owners could also provide spare sets of uniforms in case of spillages.”


About Sarah OBeirne