Home / Accreditation / Essity Group wins another EcoVadis award for its sustainable development performance

Essity Group wins another EcoVadis award for its sustainable development performance

Essity Group, a leader in hygiene and health, has been awarded the platinum medal for the third time by EcoVadis, the world leader in evaluating and improving companies’ CSR performance.

This result places Essity in the top one per cent of companies assessed by EcoVadis for their sustainable development performance.

To help the Group achieve its performance targets, Tork, its professional hygiene brand, supports and assists professionals with its innovative, environmentally-friendly hygiene products and solutions, thereby helping to raise hygiene and health standards in establishments.

Essity received 78 points out of a maximum of 100 points in this year’s rating, which means that the company is among the 99th percentile of companies assessed. This is the third rating since 2020 that Essity has received a Platinum medal from EcoVadis. This year’s index is based on the sustainability performance data derived from more than 62,000 companies assessed by EcoVadis between 2018 and 2022 across four themes:

  • Environment
  • Labour & Human Rights
  • Ethics
  • Sustainable Procurement

As a global hygiene and health company providing products and solutions to more than a billion people every day, Essity is committed to responsible business practices throughout our value chain. “We are proud to receive the Platinum EcoVadis medal once again since it recognises this commitment,” says Magnus Groth, President and CEO of Essity.

EcoVadis is a well-renowned sustainability rating index, analysis and collaborative performance improvement tool and Essity frequently shares the results and insights with customers globally. EcoVadis’ sustainability scorecards provide detailed insight into the environment as well as social and ethical risks in companies across more than 200 industries and 175 countries.

About Sarah OBeirne