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Greener cleaning with data – being  a sustainable business isn’t a pipe dream

Duncan McLaren, Sales Director of Taqt UK & Ireland, discusses why data-driven strategies will help with greener objectives in your cleaning business

The cleaning industry in the UK, like many other sectors, has been grappling with significant challenges in recent years. The aftermath of the pandemic has left a trail of hardship that businesses are striving to recover from. Amidst these economic constraints, there is an urgent requirement for the cleaning industry to align with sustainable objectives, particularly in light of the UK’s commitment to achieving net-zero objectives by 2050 – despite the changing goalposts. Every sector has a responsibility to respond, including cleaning and hygiene. At Taqt, we looked ahead and saw the technology is the unavoidable future in every industry. So we applied it to take cleaning  service delivery to new levels of efficiency.

Is your procurement process efficient?

One of the biggest sustainable challenges in the cleaning industry is the need to reduce resource consumption and waste. Traditional cleaning practices often result in excessive use of water, energy, and cleaning agents, all adding to environmental damage. While there is a movement to change the nature of cleaning agents themselves, to be less harmful to the environment, not every company has adopted those products.

The other methods used to mitigate these factors have all come from the technological world however. Data-driven cleaning is one of those solutions . By integrating meaningful data into business processes, your cleaning company can monitor and analyse consumption patterns, identify inefficiencies, and make informed decisions to minimise resource use.

Saying goodbye to paper

Embracing a paperless future is part of the sustainable revolution. There is an eagerness to bid farewell to paperwork, and platforms like TaqtOne fulfil those requirements. Across various industries, businesses are increasingly relying on technological advancements such as cloud computing while adopting digital filing and invoicing methods that seamlessly integrate with their existing operational frameworks. This ensures accurate record-keeping without the hassle of generating, storing, or managing piles of paper. Not only does this streamline processes, but it also improves communication among cleaning staff, their supervisors, and end-users – a critical element in monitoring customer satisfaction. Most of it done at the touch of a button.

Being realistic about performance gaps

To provide a precise performance snapshot, it is important to first identify areas that need attention. Traceability features on an efficient digital platform, such as TaqtOne, allow cleaning companies to ensure that jobs are done in a timely fashion with the correct tools and chemicals. It respects the time of the operative, could reduce emissions because relevant adjustments regarding site visits can be made, while still satisfying client needs on-site.

Generating performance metrics from data improves operational efficiency. When you can see trends and traffic patterns, for instance, this paves the way for the creation of proactive cleaning schedules tailored to a specific building or area.  Again as a result, cleaning managers will see streamlined consumption once the usage profile of a space is identified. Savings can be realised on multiple fronts, all the while enhancing a company’s environmental impact.

Digitisation isn’t the enemy. Furthermore it has the potential be a very effective tool when meeting sustainable targets in your business. It’s a given that you need to identify problems before you can solve them; with accurate information targeted responses can be planned.  Long-term optimisation of resource allocation, waste reduction, and improved sustainable performance are the objectives. Furthermore, they are a reality already, through data-centred transparency.  Just equip your business with the ability to make well informed decisions.


About Sarah OBeirne